Symbols are very important in successful social movements:
This “baby feet” symbol means we are in solidarity with the babies in the womb and their mothers and fathers. Let’s get this symbol everywhere!
Call 973-497-4500 for a "Baby Feet" car magnet or phone sticker.
Get the word out...These viable children deserve equal rights!
Have an Information Board Like This One at Your Church, Synagogue or Mosque.
Raise Awareness:
1. Tell the people in your sphere of influence that abortion is legal throughout all 9 months of pregnancy in New Jersey. Chances are, they will be shocked!
2. Show them the size of a 20-week (5-month) baby and let them know about the barbaric D &E procedure by letting them see the video by Dr. Levantino below. These fetal models can be ordered by clicking here.
3. Arrange to make an announcement or presentation to your church or synagogue or civic organization. Have an information table afterwards. Encourage people to call and write their NJ State Representatives and tell them to support the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” bill (A-2228/S-429).
Check out this "Man on the Street" video to see what average NJ citizens think about late term abortion.
Let's save these viable children by passing the "Pain Capable" bill (A-2228/S-429) in New Jersey.
Join the Movement! Complete and send the form below.