
Did you know?

*  The United States is one of only 7 countries in the world, including China, North Korea, and Vietnam, that allow abortions past 20 weeks (5 months).

*  Babies as young as 20 weeks (5 months) can survive and thrive with the proper medical treatment.

*  Babies can feel pain by 20 weeks or earlier.

Viable children need to be protected by the law in New Jersey

More Facts:

•  The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Pediatrics finds that the majority (61 to 71 percent) of premature babies born at 20 to 21 weeks (post-fertilization) who are given “active” care, survive. 1

•  Late term abortions are not rare in New Jersey. According to the CDC, there were 720 babies past 21 weeks gestation destroyed by abortion in New Jersey in 2014 (latest data available published 11/24/17). 2

•  Quite a few abortion clinics in New Jersey advertise late term abortion on their websites. 3    Some hospitals, including University Hospital in Newark, NJ, abort third trimester babies, but they do not advertise this.

•  Most Americans (8 in 10) support substantial restrictions on abortion, and would limit it to, at most, the first three months of pregnancy. 4                                                  

•  Unborn children as well as newborn and preterm infants show an increased “hyper-responsiveness” to pain. 5 This increased sensitivity is due to the fact that neural mechanisms that inhibit pain sensations do not begin to develop until 32-34 weeks post fertilization (34-36 weeks gestation) and are not complete until a significant time after birth.6  For more information on Fetal Pain, visit https://lozierinstitute.org/fact-sheet-science-of-fetal-pain/

•  Seventeen other states have passed the “Pain Capable” bill.

•  The viable baby is destroyed by abortion by a barbaric technique called the Dilation & Evacuation (D & E) Procedure.  See video below for explanation.


1 Jama Pediatr., Survival Among Infants Born at 22 or 23 Weeks’ Gestation* Following Active Prenatal and Postnatal Care, May 26, 2016, https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2524795 accessed 8-29-18) cited by www.sba-list.org.   (*20-21 weeks post–fertilization.)

2 CDC Abortion Surveillance — United States, 2014 | MMWR https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/66/ss/ss6624a1.htm?s_cid=ss6624a1_w accessed 8-24-18.      

3http://metropolitanmedicalassociates.com/second-trimester; https://www.pilgrimmed.com/abortion-services/laminaria-abortion-16-up-to-24-6-weeks; https://www.jerseygyn.com/abortion; https://eastside gynecology.com/surgical-abortion; https://thewomenscenters.com/abortion-care/abortion-procedures/; https://www.americanwomensservices.com/2nd_trimester_abortion.php (all accessed 8-24-18).

4 Marist poll, “Abortion in America” January 2016. ( http://kofc.org/un/en/resources/communications/abortion-america-january2016.pdf)

5 Greco C and Khojasteh S, Pediatric, Infant and Fetal Pain, Case Studies in Pain Management, Alan David Kaye and Rinoo V. Shah, Eds., (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), 379. (As cited in the Charlotte Lozier Institute Fact Sheet: Science of Fetal Pain, September 28, 2017.)

6 Brusseau R and Bulich LA, Anesthesia for fetal intervention, in Essential Clinical Anesthesia, Charles Vacanti, Pankaj Sikka, Richard Urman, Mark Dershwitz, B. Scott Segal, Eds., Cambridge University Press, NY; July 2011; 772-776. (As cited in the Charlotte Lozier Institute Fact Sheet: Science of Fetal Pain, September 28, 2017.)


Viable children cannot speak for themselves. We need to speak-up for them!

This video explains how 2nd trimester term abortions are performed.

Let's save viable children by passing the "Pain Capable" Unborn Child Protection Act" (A-2228/S-429) in New Jersey!


Pregnant?  Know all your options:

Abortion hurts but there’s hope and healing: